I.C.E.D.A.R.T.S Session 2: Engagement & Support

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Think of the best leader/Manager you have ever worked for. What was it about them that made you want to come to work? Did you give more time and effort than was required to that manager? Why?

There may still be some instances where you do not have to know any background to your team members but, in most cases, it pays to know and understand them. We all have one thing in common – we are each unique! There is no one size fits all for managing/leading staff. If you can build a strong and trusting relationship with the team, you are much more likely to achieve better outcomes for all. Consider details such as your teams’ marital status, any children, interests, motivations, aspirations, fears, concerns etc. Consider also sharing more of your background to increase engagement.

Note: Consider you still have a business contract with each employee that underpins your relationship. That should never be forgotten. You do, however, have a choice how you enact that contract. You can be businesslike but still engage on a very high level with your team if you also provide the clarity.


In session 1 we looked at the CPQQRT model of delegation (Context, Purpose, Quality, Quantity, Resources and Time). Set your team up for success by ensuring they have sufficient resources in the following areas:

·        Financial – provide the necessary funds

·        Physical – fit for purpose equipment to achieve the desired outcomes

·        People – the right people are our most important asset!

·        Training – ensure the necessary skills and developed to the required standard for the job

·        Psychological – establish CLEAR guidelines and mentor and coach the team to build their capability and ensure success.

When considering these 2 areas, there is a wonderful quote I often refer to as a reflective exercise:

“Am I building capability or creating dependencies?”

Thank you for listening. This is a presentation brought to you by Leadership Matters. For further inquiries please visit:
