I.C.E.D.A.R.T.S. Leadership Framework.

Ever struggled in your leadership role? Wondered why your team members were becoming frustrated or demotivated whilst you were in charge?  Failed to achieve promised results?

Has there been a time when you would have benefitted from an easy to understand and follow leadership framework to guide your decision making?

I can honestly answer yes to all the above! That is why I developed the ‘I.C.E.D.A.R.T.S.’ leadership model and have decided to release it for your benefit. The framework is not a panacea and you will benefit from pushing yourself and employing coaching and mentoring. Ideally though, it will provide some clarity and direction regarding your strengths and areas where development is required.

There is no cost associated with the use of the framework. It is just hoped that it will improve your leadership, your wellbeing, and that of the people you lead. It is one of those resources I wish I had access to when I was first asked to lead others.

The ‘I.C.E.D.A.R.T.S.’ acronym stands for: I - me and where I am at; Clarity of purpose; Engagement with the team; Development of self and team; Accountability for outcomes; Reward for goal achievement; Trust and building it effectively and; Support – providing team members with the necessary tools and moral support to perform their best.

Details of framework elements will be released over four weeks in the following order:

Week 1: ‘I’ and Clarity and a bonus work re-engagement strategy

Week 2: Engagement and Support

Week 3: Accountability and Reward and;

Week 4: Trust and Development

Good luck with the application of the framework. We would appreciate any feedback on its adequacy and any suggested improvements.

If you would like additional assistance/coaching in your leadership journey or to enhance your team effectiveness, Leadership Matters would be pleased to assist.

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